How does your visit help others?

By selecting our services for your care, you're not just investing in yourself; you're fueling our mission. A part of your payment goes directly towards supporting our initiatives: funding trips to underserved communities abroad, granting scholarships for medical programs, and establishing clinics where healthcare access is limited. Join us in making a global difference in the lives of others while receiving optimal care for yourself.

Why MedBits?

With our proven record of effectiveness, we excel at creating meaningful change. From communities in California to those in Mexico, Peru, and Africa, we have left a lasting impact. Now, we are urging institutions to join us in our efforts. When you trust us with your healthcare needs, you are not just receiving exceptional service—you are actively contributing to our mission of making a profound difference in the world.

Our Mission

Exclusive licensed providers ready to help you!

Oziel Ivan vela PA-C, RRT


Mark Milliron PA-C


Dr. Teri Bilhartz

Medical Director

Our Services

General Medical Questions

Can't reach your Dr? Ask us, we'd like to help

Lab Results

Full lab reviews, even if your tested elsewhere

Patient Translator

It's not you, It's how you asked! We help ask for better

Second Opinion

We hear your story to ensure you're treated right

Visit Our Clinic Today...

Your support and contributions help us accomplish our mission

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Provide your contact information to set up a consultation with our Membership Team.

Individual memberships range between $75-$1000 annually, and we offer tiered family pricing.